Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Dating like you've been dumped

You know when you intend to call an old friend, then you put it off and play some phone tag and then you realize it's been so long you don't know where to even begin? That is sadly what has happened here with the blog. But I'm back and I am going to put in the effort needed to keep this friendship going. That being said, my lack of blogging action does not translate to a lack of dating action. In fact, it's been just the opposite. Here's the story...

So dating like I've been dumped is really what I've been up to.

I just read through three half written posts that for whatever reason, I just never felt inspired to finish and share. They weren't bad, just sad. However, I can now happily say they make no sense in the context of my life. Re-reading them made me realize (once again) how quickly life can transform.

No, no, no... I'm not saying I'm not a single Chik these days. It's just that I've had a real attitude adjustment recently.

After the Hibernation of 08, The Dud and another unfortunate run-in with a guy "who is just not that into me, but gave me many signs to think he was" I was crabby. Really crabby. The kind of crabby that made me sob for no reason. Desperate to shake the ache of a long, lonely winter. Watching The Break-Up too many times to count. Having completely lost perspective on all the reasons it's great to be single.

Then a few things happened. I got a new job (thank GOD), I took some time off (much needed), I remembered all the things I love about living alone and being single (hello SSB... more to come on that), I shopped like a maniac (retail therapy is magical) and was then presented with a challenge.

See my friend SuperGirl and I went on a road trip and she threw down the gauntlet... two dates a week. Get back to the kind of dating that's fun and carefree. No hopes or expectations. No over-analyzing, no worries. Just fun and free dinners.

In other words... she made me realize I needed to date like I had been dumped.

See after the LCBU, I dated with no worries, fears and most importantly no expectations. I knew I wasn't equipped to handle a relationship and for that matter... I didn't want one. I just wanted to date. Have a laugh. Meet interesting people. Vertical kiss. Have good stories. The kind of stories the Married's love me for and have now come to expect (not sure if that's a good thing).

Then the flip switched. I went from wanting to date my ass off (as I proudly have for the past two years) to wanting to sit on my ass at home with someone I really liked. And that is precisely when dating went downhill.

So in the past two months I have successfully and shamelessly given my number to strangers, innocently smooched (he may or may not have still been in college), went on a date coordinated through a real-life match making service (think Millionaire MatchMaker here people), graciously accepted offers for set-ups, and partied like a rap guys girlfriend (a d-list rap guy from Tokyo that is).

And you know what. It's just what I needed. I feel revived. Hopeful. Happy. And just in time for summer.

So now I am passing along the challenge... date like you've been dumped. It's good for the soul. And good for the economy (lot's of dates translates to lot's of new clothes of course).