Monday, February 25, 2008

Any Given Friday

Target on a Friday night. One of my favorite places to be.

Before I invested in a NetFlix membership I used to hit up Blockbuster. But then I realized that it's just depressing. If you want to know what all the single girls are doing on a Friday night (otherwise known as date night)... go check your local video store. I found my people. A bunch of chicks in sweats, fighting over the last copy of Under The Tuscan Sun or Love Actually. And to really drive home the gloom, the first time I went after the LCBU (life changing break-up) I realized I didn't even have my own video card any more. An unexpected reminder of how completely I had merged my life with someone. I think it's around that time I stopped renting movies. I'm convinced NetFlix was created by a girl who was dumped and realized she didn't want to face the shame of opening her own video rental account... again.

So... now that I've discovered NetFlix (the safe way to rent movies) I have a new favorite Friday night spot. Target. Retail therapy that serves a purpose. Instead of spending money on expensive stuff I don't need, now I can spend money on inexpensive stuff I don't need with a few practical items thrown in for good measure).

A recent Friday night at Target, my cart looked a little something like this at check out...

- Dog Food
- New socks
- Toilet Paper
- Cute apron on sale
- Diet Coke
- New LIVE John Legend cd (I don’t buy cd’s but this is only available in-store)
- Deodorant, body wash and tooth paste
- 3 boxes of cereal with sugar content well above what I was allowed as a child (mom your plan backfired... I'm working on making up for lost years with Fruity Pebbles)
- An array of items posing as an attempt to grocery shop without actually going to the "real" grocery store

The couple behind me...
- Bottled water
- A pint of ice cream
- Trail mix
- An energy bar
- A box of magnum condoms


I guess now I should say Target on a Friday night USED to be my favorite place. I'm running out of options here people.


Anonymous said...

I love Target on a Friday! It has everything you could possibly need without the Saturday crowds. Man, I am getting old (and pathetic).


Anonymous said...

Tee hee! I used to go the bookstore...


Anonymous said...

Please come back to Cinci...I miss you...