Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Come Fly The Friendly Skies

So I met a boy. On a plane. Just trying to get the home after a long week of work. I’m still trying to hibernate. A new crush was the furthest thing from my mind. I was focused on my iPod, my book and a few hours of mind numbing day dreaming. Instead this happened…

I was in a rush (I usually am. I’m Type A and as I’ve been told, most Type A’s run late because we constantly over estimate our ability to get things done). No time to finish breakfast before boarding my flight. I try to casually toss my cup of dry cereal into the trash as I breeze by with my hands full of coffee and luggage. I miss and my Kashi explodes into the air like healthy bits of breakfast confetti. He is unfortunate enough to be sitting too close to my missed target. Luckily he’s a good sport about my poor aim. I smile, giggle an apology and explain basketball was never my sport. Go figure he’s cute. Of course he is. If I’m embarrassing myself they usually are.

Fast forward 30 minutes (the flight was delayed AGAIN and I had no breakfast). I’m walking towards my seat and notice breakfast guy on my flight. He seems to be sitting awfully close to where I should be dumping my bag and vegging for the next few hours. I quickly realize he is in fact sitting not close, but right next to me. What are the chances? I spill cereal on a stranger in the airport and he ends up being my seatmate. Oh wait… my special super hero powers are working again. I’ve managed to shrink the world into my own small orbit. Ask E… happens all too often. I can never be anonymous. Or do something anonymous for that matter.

Too good to be true. It was dumped into my lap. Or at least into his.

Although our flight wasn’t taking off, we were hitting it off.

You realize who is writing this blog right? It’s never this cute and sweet. There is always a punch line.

He has a girlfriend. As E said “go f’ing figure. This ALWAYS happens to you.”

Cutie cereal guy with good jeans, who runs and travels and seems smart and fun and NORMAL… has a girlfriend. Oh and a little salt in the wound… me he met his previous girlfriend on a plane. I bet she didn’t spill her breakfast on him though.

I can tell I’m still blushing (I’m sure my neck was red too) for most of the first hour of easy conversation. Several weird coincidences and a few bad dating stories later, he asks if I’m seeing anyone. I decide to spare him the details of my hibernation and simply answer with a resounding no. Eventually he fishes around enough to discover I’m open to set-ups. Or at least open minded enough to consider them.

Next thing you know, I’ve given him my info and have agreed to let a stranger set me up on a blind date.

Hello double stranger danger! Will I ever learn my lesson? Is that that hard to just say no? Moral of this story is TBD.

*** Update – Airplane guy’s friend emailed. We went out. It was fun. Seeing him again. Tonight. Might be the strangest way I’ve gotten a date. And that’s saying A LOT. Stay tuned for the inevitable crash and burn.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

kel -
keep it coming. i enjoy EVERY word.
auntie patty