Sunday, February 17, 2008

Tim Riggins is a Stud

What Would Riggins Do?  Save Friday Night Lights!  Sign the Petition!
Clear eyes (or minds... I spent a long time debating this at the bar last night), full hearts, can't lose!

Everyone who watches it LOVES it and everyone who doesn't is missing out on the best show on television (with or without the writers strike).

People. Tim Rigins is not the only reason this show is fantastic (although his brooding, man-child hotness has kept me warm the past few lonely Friday nights). Coach Taylor makes McDreamy seemlike McWeenie! The many cowgirl hats Tammy Taylor wears as a REAL working mom with no nannies and fat checkbooks makes the chicks on Cashmere Mafia and Lipstick Jungle look like moronic spoiled bras and Tyra and Landry's sweet, but rocky relationship is better than any cheap reality show attempt to pair up geeks and hotties!

Please,please, please click the link above and let NBC know they MUST save this show!

Watch episodes online. You won't regret it...

Also... If the show is cancelled I have to start thinking of a new Halloween costume because no one will realize I'm a Dillon Panther's cheerleader!

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